Friday, May 9, 2008

APTERA: I want one!

My new "Green-Friendly" obsession is the Aptera. Technically, it's a motorcycle because of the three wheels but it reads more like those open wheeled cars everyone seemed to do at one time or another in school. There's two choices for power-plants - the electric with a range of 120 miles and the hybrid-gas with (I believe) 600 miles on only 5 gallons of gas! It only takes a few hours to charge, costs under 30k, will fit a child seat behind the front seats, has many modern amenities, you can drive solo in the carpool lane AND it's made right here in San Diego! The only bummer at this point is that it's only legal in California. You can reserve one on their site for a mere $500! And no, I haven't...yet. But I do want one to do some fun stuff to!
It's shape was refined by real car designers and I think they did a great job. When you're main goal is aerodynamics, it's quite limiting. It doesn't look too cartoon-like except maybe the nose. The biggest weakness for me is the front graphics. But again, for the type of construction they're using and it being such small company producing an affordable green option, I commend them.

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