Monday, April 20, 2009

Stile Bertone Mantide

So it's finally here...

We've all been waiting, watching, wondering, speculating. Ok, that might be exaggerating a bit but it's always interesting to read hype about a rookie athlete that will "save the team" or in this case Jason Castriota's new post at Stile Bertone that was hyped on the internet over the last few months. Jason had some nice cars at Pininfarina and his move to Bertone was sure to be an interesting one given that they haven't had much exciting press lately.

So the question is - What do you think? Did he pull it off? Is it what you expected? Is it better or worse than you expected? Do you think it's up to the level of his other work (P4/5, Maserati Coupe, Birdcage) or do you think maybe they let him off the leash too far?

I'm really interested in your thoughts because as you can imagine I have my own ideas but since I originally meant for cardesignpolice to be a discussion, I'd like to open it up to all of you.


Tomi said...

I think the hype was too much. I know what Jason tried to do with making the online video. Bringing Stile Bertone to the modern age. It's a bit too much MTV for my liking. But I guess it worked. Got people interested in the project.
As for the car, meh. Too many things happening at once. Overall the shape is interesting but the details are a bit disappointing. The themes did not gel well together. Sharp creases on one panel and too round of rads on the other is a bit too incohesive. It is not a pretty car that's for sure. Looking at the front end and the rear design surfaces, again, interesting 'try' but it's ugly. You can see some hints of the old 'heritage' Bertone characters in the car i.e. Countach wheel arch openings. It will probably work better if he pulls back the mix of details on the car. There is Italian flair which is good,and then there is too much flair (Bad).
Not sure if he had someone holding him back at Pininfarina? and now being the Director of Bertone he is designing things with no one to check him?

Anonymous said...

This design is horribly executed. The designer director should be fired for disgracing Bertone. The major theme is easily to understand, but the execution is that of a design student. The hood budlge and front nose intersections are a disgrace. It looks like a cheap car made by an enthusiast in his garage. The car is a mess of ideas taken from many places. The car is overly busy, and raw.

just_looking said...

oh. i thought for a long-long while, that cardesignpolice is dead. i am glad it is not. well, the comment. here we go than:

never believe the hype! ever! anyway the "we will fall back" as it was predicted by its own designers, never happened.
castriota might be a good design chief in the future, but this time the hype was just too big to meet the expectations. Segway effect. "too sausagy" is a great comment. I think the "man-tide" concepts biggest problem for me is the fat side section just behind the front wheel. it might come from the chevy package (who knows?...), but it is soooo out of propoportions, that the whole car is getting ugly because of this single thingy. i am a big fan of the "more 3D effects" in car design: perhaps something is about to change. i was thinking that even those funny spoilers which are emerging from the sides to the roof, could at least continue into the roof structure. this car is a "bit" overdone. I miss the suprising simplicity of the bertone showcars. my sympathy goes to bertone for trying to do a "real showcar". I read the autoblog comments, and there was one i truly agree with: "There are elements I like, and one or two I love, but altogether, it's just not doing anything for me." exactly that is the thing it does not do anything to me, sorry. It might just be the hype. may be that I am not interested in this shit so much anymore. it may have many reasons, but the car just "lost it" to me as well. The effect desired was not comming through. As I read the autoblog comments i see that i am not alone. they have got a pretty bad reputation with this car now. I wonder how they feel at bertone style about it. they have pushed money into this thing to give a "last shot" but they shoot in the wrong direction. I do not care if the car can run 3000000 Km/h if it looks ugly as butt when it stands in the showroom. the guys thought, that they will show how fast they can work. They could take another 2-3-4 months and present a good model, reworked with those skilled italian craftsmen. please forget the 3D milling directly to the show or production. i think what they have been showing us, that they can build a working prototype what looks ok in 4 months. great. this is a coachbuilding ability, not design supremacy anymore. I do not really see why was it necessary to show it now in shanghai? frankfurt would do as well, since the chinese guys like to see as well other shows and there is the internet these days (as we know from the hype-video-series). good luck to bertone style. i truly like how enthusiastic marie jeanne bertone is about to save the reputation of the studio, all my respect to her, i hope she can do it. although i do not know too much about the bg of this operation. on the other hand i think the design director (castriota) is not there to do the design itself, but to pull out the best of his team.